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Highlights (2021)

Krzysztof Giergiel, Arkadiusz Kuroś, Arkadiusz Kosior, and Krzysztof Sacha; publication in Physical Review Letters

Time crystals are systems which reveal crystalline behavior not in space but in the time dimension. Many different condensed matter phenomena can emerge in the time domain in periodically driven single-particle and many-body systems. The field of time crystals is developing quite rapidly, novel theoretical ideas are being published and new experiments are planned.

In the publication "Inseparable Time-Crystal Geometries on the Möbius Strip" we show that two-dimensional time lattices with the Möbius strip geometry can be realized for ultracold atoms bouncing between two periodically oscillating mirrors. Effective interactions between atoms loaded to a lattice can be long-ranged and can be controlled experimentally. As a specific example, we show how to realize a Lieb lattice model with a flat band and how to control long-range hopping of pairs of atoms in the model.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 263003 (2021)


Professor Karol Życzkowski was elected a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Monika Aidelsburger, Luca Barbiero, Alejandro Bermudez, Titas Chanda et al.; publication in Philosophical Transactions A

A new volume (Volume 380 Issue 2216) of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, the oldest English speaking scientific journal published on December 29, 2021 is a theme issue on 'Quantum technologies in particle physics", compiled and edited by Steven D. Bass and Erez Zohar.

One of the contributions is a review article by Monika Aidelsburger et al. "Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory" where we describe recent attempts to considers models relevant for particle physics in cold atom settings. In particular, since bosons are easier to manipulate experimentally we often replace fermions by bosons which often gives new physics. We study confinement and deconfinement transition in dynamical lattices corresponding to the bosonic Schwinger or Z2 Bose-Hubbard models. Another central idea of this review concerns atomic simulators of paradigmatic models of particle physics theory such as the Creutz-Hubbard ladder, or Gross-Neveu-Wilson and Wilson-Hubbard models. The typical experimental friedly construction is visualized in the figure where the matter (and particles representing antimatter) live at the sites while dynamical fields live on the bonds.

Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A 380, 2216 (2021)


Piotr Sierant, Eduardo Gonzalez Lazo, Marcello Dalmonte, Antonello Scardicchio, and Jakub Zakrzewski; publication in Physical Review Letters

It is natural to assume that many-body interacting systems thermalize (the so called eigenstate thermalization hypothesis formalizes this viewpoint). Many-body localization is a prominent counterexample showing that systems in strong quenched disorder may have a long-lived memory and do not thermalize. Whether it is true in the thermodynamic limit remains an intriguing question. Recently, extremely well controlled experimentally quantum systems have been engineered – chains of Rydberg atoms kept in place by optical tweezers.

We study the impact of quenched disorder on the dynamics of such models. Performing large-scale numerical experiments, we observe no trace of many-body localization even at large disorder. Analyzing the role of quenched disorder terms in constrained systems we show that they act in two, distinct and competing ways: as an on-site disorder term for the basic excitations of the system, and as an interaction between excitations. The two contributions are of the same order, and as they compete (one towards localization, the other against it), one does never enter a truly strong disorder, weak interaction limit, where many-body localization occurs. Our observations provide a simple picture to interpret the role of quenched disorder that could be immediately extended to other constrained models or quenched gauge theories.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 126603 (2021)


Ranking TOP 2%

11 scientists from the Institute of Theoretical Physics are on the TOP 2% list - a ranking prepared by Stanford University in cooperation with Elsevier and SciTech Strategies::

  • prof. Andrzej Białas
  • prof. Piotr Bizoń
  • dr hab. Bogdan Damski
  • prof. Jacek Dziarmaga
  • prof. Wojciech Florkowski
  • prof. Romuald Janik
  • prof. Andrzej M. Oleś
  • prof. Krzysztof Sacha
  • prof. Józef Spałek
  • prof. Jakub Zakrzewski
  • prof. Karol Życzkowski

Jan Ambjørn, Zbigniew Drogosz, Jakub Gizbert-Studnicki, Andrzej Görlich, Jerzy Jurkiewicz, and Dániel Németh; publication in Physical Review Letters

In the recent paper published in Physical Review Letters, we study the impact of matter fields on the geometry of a typical quantum universe in a lattice model of quantum gravity called Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT).

The quantum universe studied in numerical Monte Carlo simulations has the size of a few Planck lengths and the spatial topology of a three-torus. The matter fields are multicomponent scalar fields taking values in a torus with circumference δ in each spatial direction. Changing δ, which acts as a new parameter in the CDT model, we observe a phase transition induced by the scalar field. This discovery may have important consequences because for quantum universes with nontrivial topologies, the phase transition may change the topology to a simply connected one. Therefore, the effect of scalar fields can be much more drastic than previously appreciated, with possible implications for cosmological model building and even in other areas of physics related to phase transitions of topological nature.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 161301 (2021)


Jeremi Ochab, Jerzy Szwed, Katarzyna Oleś i współpracownicy; publication in PLOS ONE

After 7 days of recovery from a 10-day period of deficient sleep, participants in a small study had recovered their pre-sleep deprivation reaction speed but had not fully recovered on any other measures of function.

Sleep deficiency is well known to negatively impact human functioning but it has been unclear how much time is needed to fully recover from prolonged periods of deficient sleep. To shed more light on this topic we conducted a study with healthy adults who underwent 10 days of sleep restriction followed by 7 recovery days of unrestricted sleep. Participants completed the study in their day-to-day environments and wore wrist sensors to monitor daily patterns of activity. They also underwent daily electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor brain activity, and they answered daily questions (Stroop tasks) to measure reaction times and accuracy. After a week of recovery, the participants had not yet returned to pre-sleep deprivation performance on most measures of functioning. These included several EEG measures of brain activity, rest-versus-activity patterns captured by wrist sensors, and accuracy on Stroop tasks. Only their reaction times had recovered to baseline levels.

Popular-science commentary:

PLoS ONE 16, e0255771 (2021)


Nick Manton, Katarzyna Oleś, Tomasz Romańczukiewicz, and Andrzej Wereszczyński; publication in Physical Review Letters

Two collective coordinates capture the fractal dynamics of kink-antikink collisions.

In the recent paper published in Physical Review Letters we show that the complicated dynamics of kink-antikink collisions in φ4 field theory, in one space dimension, can be described using a simplified model. We truncate the field theory dynamics to the field configurations proposed by Sugiyama, which are simple superpositions of kinks and their oscillatory shape modes. Assuming reflection symmetry, just two coordinates parametrize the kink locations and shape mode amplitudes. One coordinate is a variant of the naive amplitude, chosen to avoid a singularity at zero kink-antikink separation. (This resolution of a long-standing technical difficulty with Sugiyama's scheme we published in 2020.) The truncated dynamics takes place on a smooth curved surface, with an explicit metric and potential that are derived from the field theory. In collisions at small velocity the kink and antikink annihilate, although slowly; at high velocity they bounce and escape. In between, there is fractal dependence on velocity, with annihilation intervals separated by nested intervals of multiple bounces. The initial data incorporates our observation that a non-zero shape mode amplitude accurately describes the Lorentz contraction of a moving kink. The truncated dynamics qualitatively reproduces the fractal pattern seen in the field theory simulations, despite ignoring radiation. These ideas should extend to solitons and localized structures in other field theories.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 071601 (2021)


Arkadiusz Bochniak, Błażej Ruba, Jacek Wosiek and Adam Wyrzykowski; highlight in Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics

Despite being less known, local bosonizations of fermionic systems exist in spatial dimensions higher than one.

Interestingly, the dual bosonic systems are subject to local constraints, as in theories with gauge freedom. These constraints effectively implement long distance exchange interactions. In this work we study in detail one such system, proposed a long time ago. Properties of the constraints are elaborated for two-dimensional, rectangular lattices of arbitrary sizes. For several small systems the constraints are solved analytically. It is checked that spectra of reduced spin hamiltonians agree with the original fermionic ones. The equivalence is extended to fermions in presence of background Wegner Z2 fields coupled to fermionic parity. This is illustrated by an explicit calculation for a particular configuration of Wegner's variables. Finally, a possible connection with the recently proposed web of dualities is discussed.

Commentary can be found here.

Phys. Rev. D 102, 114502 (2020)


Andrzej Wereszczyński; grant OPUS 20

OPUS 20 • "Geometric models of baryonic matter - from atomic nuclei to neutron stars" (2021-07-12 – 2024-07-11)

Although all phenomena of nuclear physics should, in principle, be describable by the fundamental theory of strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), this is practically unfeasible owing to the complexity of nuclear systems (nuclei and nuclear matter). Instead, phenomenological models, usually based on nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, are employed for the modeling of nuclear properties, where the interactions introduced in these models are typically fitted to experimental data rather than derived from a more fundamental theory. It is the main aim of this project to bridge the gap between fundamental theory and nuclear phenomena by developing a QCD-based effective field theory (EFT) regarding the relevant physical fields (mesons and baryons) and applying it to a reliable and quantitatively precise calculation of nuclear properties at all scales.

The aim of the project is to identify the correct solitonic (Skyrme) EFT of the fundamental theory of strong interaction and provide a unified description of baryonic (nuclear) matter at all scales. The Skyrme model is an example of an EFT with the additional fascinating property that, while mesons are introduced as the fundamental degrees of freedom, baryons, nuclei and nuclear matter emerge as collective nonlinear excitations (topological solitons).

Identification of an EFT which covers baryonic phenomena on all scales is important not only from theoretical point of view (showing a possible road to the original quantum theory) or as a tool allowing for an explanation of the existing experimental data (e.g., excitation bands of nuclei, the maximal mass of neutron stars) but can be essential for identification of new phenomena e.g., possibly observed in neutron stars mergers (properties of ultra-dense nuclear matter or searching for imprints of generalized theories of gravity).


Kamil Korzekwa and Matteo Lostaglio; publication in Physical Review X

For the past three decades, scientists have been harnessing the quantum features of nature to challenge the best-known classical methods of computing, metrology, and cryptography. In all these cases, quantum superposition allows one to perform certain tasks faster, more precisely, or more securely.

For the past three decades, scientists have been harnessing the quantum features of nature to challenge the best-known classical methods of computing, metrology, and cryptography. In all these cases, quantum superposition allows one to perform certain tasks faster, more precisely, or more securely. In a recent paper published in Physical Review X, Kamil Korzekwa and Matteo Lostaglio report a novel quantum advantage that reduces the amount of memory and time needed to implement certain dynamical processes, such as thermodynamic cooling or information processing. In their work, they introduce a unifying framework to theoretically analyze memory and time costs from a mathematical, computational, and thermodynamical point of view, and apply it to study three distinct scenarios where quantum advantages arise. First, they show that there exist stochastic processes that cannot be simulated classically without memory but can be implemented “quantumly” in a memoryless fashion. Second, they prove that for processes that require memory even in the quantum regime, there is an improvement over classical computers in the number of times the memory must be accessed or in its size. Third, they demonstrate that memoryless quantum processes allow for much better control of the system’s state than their classical counterparts. Their findings show that quantum mechanics provides powerful models to simulate stochastic processes and pave the way to the investigation of practical advantages for quantum information processing.

Phys. Rev. X 11, 021019 (2021)


Patryk Mach and Andrzej Odrzywołek; publication in Physical Review Letters

How fast does a moving black hole accrete dark matter?

In a recent paper published in Physical Review Letters Patryk Mach and Andrzej Odrzywołek give the answer to this question. In their work dark matter is modelled as a Vlasov gas of collisionless particles, interacting gravitationally with the black hole. The answer turns out to be quite surprising---the accretion rate (the rate at which the matter falls into the black hole) depends both on the black hole velocity and the temperature of the dark matter. For hot dark matter the accretion rate grows with the black hole speed. The accretion rate of cold dark matter attains a minimum value at some finite black hole velocity. While the accretion of dark matter on black holes is presently rather inefficient (under reasonable assumptions on the black hole mass, its velocity, and the density of the dark matter medium), it could have led to a significant growth of black holes in early cosmological epochs.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 101104 (2021)


Yi-Fu Cai, Chunshan Lin, Bo Wang, and Sheng-Feng Yan; publication in Physical Review Letters

The hot big bang expansion of our universe was probably triggered by the cosmic epoch called “reheating” in which a scalar field oscillated about the minimum of potential and decayed into matter and radiation that we observed nowadays.

In a recent paper published in Physical Review Letters Chunshan Lin and his collaborators pointed out that for a large class of modified gravity theories, this cosmic epoch gives rise to a novel sound speed resonance phenomenon on the cosmological stochastic gravitational waves background. The primary signal of this phenomenon is a sharp peak on the stochastic gravitational waves spectrum, which may reach the sensitivity of present and forthcoming gravitational waves experiments. This mechanism provides a promising observational window to test modified gravity. It bridges gravitational wave astronomy with new physics beyond general relativity at high energy scales.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 071303 (2021)